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Why Should I Care About My Roots or Researching Genealogy?

You may ask yourself, “What do I care about genealogy?” And you’d have a good point. Historically, pedigree charts were generally only kept by nobility, and that was primarily to maintain proof of noble ancestors. For hundreds of years, genealogy served little other purpose. In fact, the common man didn’t become concerned with genealogy or family history until much later.

Individuals Who Inspired Others to Research Genealogy

Several individuals began to inspire the American common person to get interested in his or her roots. One of these was John Farmer, who tried to convince people that local genealogy was important simply for the sake of American pride. Another was Alex Haley, who wrote Roots: The Saga of an American Family. It traces Haley’s roots (hence the name) from Africa to America, dealing with a wide variety of issues from slavery, hope, and of course genealogy or family history. His book inspired many to ask the same question about their roots that you might be asking yourself now: “Why is genealogy important to me?”

Knowing Your Roots is Knowing Yourself

Knowing your roots can have personal inspiration. Can you imagine looking at the page that your ancestor signed to join the military? What about the fascination of discovering that your ancestor lied in the census, describing his daughter’s illegitimate child as his own to protect her dignity? Genealogy is more than just knowing your roots—it’s knowing yourself. Your family history is your heritage. Your ancestors have passed on more than just genes; they’ve pass on their hope and aspirations. Researching genealogy to find your roots isn’t just “family history,” it’s connecting the past with the present in incredible ways. There are millions of hopes and dreams buried in your roots, and genealogy is the key to find them.

Of course, there are many ways to research your roots, but is simply the best. Find out why.