Family Tree Shortcuts

Why Should I Use is the perfect solution to everyone’s drive to discover their genealogy. It combines literally hundreds of years and millions of records with the most advanced technology in ancestry search. Truly there is no better place to begin building a family tree that with the software that provides online. And what used to take thousands of hours over thousands of miles to search their family tree can now be done in one percent of the time. Discovering your genealogy has never been easier. Let me repeat that: discovering your genealogy has never been so simple or easy.

There is More Genealogy Research to be Done with Your Family Tree

You may think that your great aunt has already traced back your family tree as far as it can go, but you’re wrong. With, you can search records in ways that weren’t possible even ten years ago. And with more genealogy records being added all the time, you might find things for your family tree that weren’t online last year. You could be the first to find missing links in your genealogy that your family tree has never seen. And it’s all thanks to the incredible genealogy resources at Of course, if you don’t have an account, these amazing technological advances don’t help you at all.

Sites to Search Ancestry

There are other genealogy sites out there besides It seems everyone wants to profit from the “genealogy bug” that seems to be biting everyone. But the problem is, there isn’t any other site that even comes close to the resources that has. Many sites can boast a couple million records, but only has over 5 billion! If you truly want to build your family tree with genealogy research, is the only way to go.

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